This project was made out of the convenience of picking somewhere to eat when everyone says "I don't know". While this website is still in early development, having the base idea and ability to work was the number one goal. If you have and suggestions or questions, DM me on twitter @twittisthename.
The amount of times I heard "You pick" when it came to supper was just annoying to me. People don't realize that we think over 20 minutes a day trying to figure out where to go. This is for the people that want a quick answer to a somewhat annoying problem.
The only reason that I haven't implemented this in is because people have different ideas of how pricey something is or what a local resturant is. This randomizer is only here to give you resturants in the quickest possible way, without any bias.
Yes, table will show you everything within that tag.
Yes, there are plans in place for more features, fine tuning, maybe another city. This has turned more into a side project.
His name is Randy and be careful, he will steal any food that is left unattended